In this article:
When you take actions in your Scorecard that result in a positive score change, your Projected Score immediately shows your security team, executive leadership, customers, and partners the impact.
What is a Projected Score, and how does it work?
Your Projected Score is your future, adjusted numeric score and letter grade displayed on your Scorecard when one of the following changes triggers a recalculation:
- You resolve issue findings.
- You have certain IPs or domains removed from your Digital Footprint, so that the negative score impact of any related issue findings is erased. Any approved changes to a domain also affect any subdomains or IPs associated with that domain.
1) Some finding resolutions may not result in a score change, and the banner would reflect that.
2) If you add IPs or domains to your Digital footprint, these additions are not currently reflected in the Projected Score.
3) Some Digital Footprint changes may actually result in a score drop. For example, removal of a domain with its associated IPs may cause findings on remaining IPs to have greater relative score impact.
After you submit a request for finding resolution or a change to your Digital Footprint, our Support team reviews it and any supporting evidence. See the Dispute, Correction, and Appeal section of our Trust page for response times.
If Support approves your request, we display a banner on the Score Factors page of your Scorecard that shows:
- The Projected Score and grade
- A summary of the changes that triggered the recalculation
- If you changed your Digital Footprint: A link to the Digital Footprint IPs or Domains tab, reflecting the changes
- If you resolved issue findings: A link to approved resolution requests
- If Support has approved multiple, diverse requests: Multiple links
- If you resolved issue findings: A link to approved resolution requests
Click the links in the banner to see the approved changes.
Based on these approvals, your actual score changes in one to three days.
Note: In addition to the Factors page, your Projected Score is also reflected in your Scorecard header. Currently it is not displayed elsewhere in the platform, such as in Portfolios.
Some helpful information about links to approved changes
Be aware of some details about the displayed changes that the Projected Score banner links to, so that you can view the referenced changes with more context:
Links to Digital Footprint changes
- Links to the domains and IPs may only show requested changes.
- IPs that change due to the associated domain changes are not displayed.
- Although subdomains may be associated with, and linked to, domains. Only the domains are referenced in the links.
Note: The Digital Footprint overview currently counts both domains and subdomains.
Links to finding resolution information
- Links to findings may not show the status of all finding changes, just the resolution requests submitted to Support.
- Issue findings that are removed due to Digital Footprint changes are not reflected in the findings display. For example, if removal of an IP from the Digital Footprint eliminates 10 issue findings, those findings are not reflected in the link to approved finding resolutions.
Links in general
- Changes submitted through Digital Footprint management or the issue resolution workflow are referenced in the banner links Changes submitted directly through Support requests or internal SecurityScorecard process can be reflected in the Projected Score but are not referenced in the the links.
- Links to approved finding resolutions or Digital Footprint updates do not include all changes resulting from the approvals.