In this article:
Integrate CrowdStrike and SecurityScorecard to expand the capabilities and insights of both platforms:
- In CrowdStrike: Get access to the SecurityScorecard Context Enrichment card, which shows the overall and factor-level scores for any domain. Also, if you do not have a SecurityScorecard account, you can set up a free one as part of the integration .
In SecurityScorecard: See four new informational issue types that show the number of vulnerabilities for different severity levels that the the integration discovers behind your firewall:
- Internal Low-severity CVE
- Internal Medium-severity CVE
- Internal High-severity CVE
- Internal Critical-severity CVE
Note: These issue types are only visible to the organization that owns a given Scorecard. They are updated daily, and their historical totals are also visible. Also, these issue types are informational and do not impact your score.
Install the integration app in CrowdStrike
Before you install, make sure you have a CrowdStrike account.
In CrowdStrike, select CrowdStrike Store and then Partner Apps from the top-left menu.
- Find and select the SecurityScorecard app card.
Within the application details page, click on the Try it free button to start the installation.
- In the dialog that appears:
- Enter your SecurityScorecard API key and Portfolio ID if you have SecurityScorecard account.
or - If you don't have a SecurityScorecard account, select I don’t have API credentials
Then click Agree & Request Trial.
- Enter your SecurityScorecard API key and Portfolio ID if you have SecurityScorecard account.
You will receive an email confirming the installation.
Note: If you do not have a SecurityScorecard account, the SecurityScorecard Customer Success team will contact you and help you get started using the platform. However, you do not need a SecurityScorecard account to use this integration app in CrowdStrike.
Use the integration in CrowdStrike
Note: After installation, it may take a few minutes for SecurityScorecard data to appear in CrowdStrike.
After installing the integration in CrowdStrike, you can start using a content enrichment card:
In CrowdStrike, use the top search bar to find for domains of interest.
In the search result, select the SecurityScorecard tab to see the overall grade and score, plus the factor-level scores.
Tip: If you have a SecurityScorecard account, you can see more detailed information about the domain when you click See more on SecurityScorecard.
Install the integration app in SecurityScorecard
Note: If you created a SecurityScorecard account when you installed the integration in CrowdStrike, your account already has the CrowdStrike application preinstalled.
Before you install, make sure you have the following:
- A SecurityScorecard account
- A CrowdStrike account (See the following to obtain account information that you will need for the installation in SecurityScorecard.)
Generate client ID, secret, and base url
In CrowdStrike, select Support and then API Clients and Keys from the top menu.
Click Add new API client.
In the dialog that appears, enter any client name and description and select scopes. Select both Hosts and Vulnerabilities to successfully grant the correct permissions to this set of credentials. Then click ADD.
- In the next dialog that appears, copy your client ID, secret, and base url. Then click DONE.
Next, install the integration app in SecurityScorecard:
Select Marketplace from the top menu in the SecurityScorecard platform.
On the Marketplace page, start typing the name of the app and then select Crowdstrike.
In app details page, click Install.
When prompted, click Allow so that the app can access to your username, email, and organization.
When prompted, enter your CrowdStrike credentials. Then click Continue.
The installation completes shortly afterward.
Use the integration in SecurityScorecard
Note: After installation, it may take a few minutes for CrowdStrike issue types to appear.
To see CrowdStrike issue types in your Scorecard:
In SecurityScorecard, go to My Scorecard.
Select the Application Security factor.
Any available CrowdStrike signals appear in an Informational Signals section for that factor.
Go to the Issues page to see view CrowdStrike issue types.
Click any issue type to view more information about it, including the number of findings.
- On the Details page, click any finding to go to CrowdStrike’s Spotlight dashboard, where you can see the complete list of issues in full detail.
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