In this article:
Engage with other users in Community Connect to share ideas, solutions, resources, and opinions about how to get most value out of the SecurityScorecard platform.
In the fourth quarter of 2021, we integrated the community with our Help Center to give you more holistic support and access to information. Use this article to learn how to get the most out of Community Connect.
Log in to Community Connect
While the articles in the Help Center knowledge base are publicly available, community access is password protected. So, when you click the community link without first logging in, you do not see topics or posts.
Log in with your SecurityScorecard account credentials and two-factor authentication as you would log into the platform.
After logging in, you see all accessible topics and posts.
Survey all topics
To decide where to post or find a useful discussion, familiarize yourself with topics:
Champion Advocacy Program
Discuss opportunities to champion SecurityScorecard and elevate your own profile as a cybersecurity thought leader. Contribute to blogs, case studies, surveys, interviews, or webinars; organize user groups; share your SecurityScorecard experience; and help evangelize our mission to make the world a safer place.
Explore Product Releases
Keep up with new and upcoming platform features and improvements.
Monthly Scoring Updates
Discuss recalibrations, new issue types, and changes to issue severities that drive our scoring updates.
Open Forum
Use this topic to ask a question that would not be found in other topics. For example, if you are having problem using a particular feature or want to understand it better, you can discuss it in Open Forum.
Product Influencers
Have an impact on the evolution of new SecurityScorecard features.
SecurityScorecard Academy
Learn about the latest certification courses to help you grow your career and gain recognition as a cybersecurity professional.
SecurityScorecard Industry Events
Hear about events sponsored or presented by SecurityScorecard and keep current with important trends and milestones in the security space.
Join a conversation or create a post
When you are ready to join or start a discussion, click the topic that interests you.
In the topic, scan posts to see if any pertain to what you want to talk about.
Click a conversation to read through it. To join the conversation, enter a comment at the bottom of the thread. Then, click Submit.
To start a conversation, click New Post in a conversation or topic.
Enter a descriptive title for the post. Then write the post, select a topic for it, and click Submit.
Tip: Since posts are searchable by their titles, a good title will help help other community members with similar interests or answers to your question find your post faster.

Be respectful in your exchanges
To help promote a safe, useful, and enjoyable experience in the community, keep some general practices in mind:
- Stimulate conversation, be respectful of others’ views, and refrain from personal attacks.
- Respect legitimate intellectual property rights, do not plagiarize work, and give credit to the originators of ideas.
- Avoid defamatory, abusive, profane, threatening, offensive language.
- Avoid discriminatory, hostile or intimidating messages or language, whether reflective of race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, social or economic class, educational level, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, age, size, family status, political belief, religion, or mental or physical ability.
- Be mindful that not everybody is a native English speaker or writer.
- Keep subject lines concise and clear so that members can respond appropriately and easily search the archives.
- Include only relevant portions of the original message in replies.
- Only send a message to the entire list if everyone can benefit from it. Do not send thank you and me too replies to the full list.
- If relevant, add Long post to the subject line or at the beginning of the message body.
Search for posts
You can search for community posts using any of the Search box locations in the Help Center. When you enter text to search on, Help Center returns knowledge base articles that may be useful to you, as well as the posts you are looking for.
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