In this article:
If vendor risk management (VRM) is critical to keeping your organization secure, and if your Portfolios include large numbers of third-party providers, your team's challenge is to prioritize which vendors to focus on. Use the Company Triage report to prioritize vendors by criticality of their security issues.
The report tallies all of your Portfolio Scorecards by grade and also lists those with the lowest grades, giving you the option to learn see which specific factors and issue types need immediate attention for each organization.
View and filter the report
You can filter the report data in different ways to focus on risks that concern you the most.
- Select Reporting Center from the Core Tools menu in the top navigation bar.
- On the Trends and Analysis page, select Company Triage.
- To gain a more granular view of risk areas that concern you, hover over any of the filters in the right pane and click the Edit icon that appears to change filter settings.
For example, to focus on specific factors, edit the Factors filter. By default, all factors are selected. You can clear all selections at once by clicking the top check box and then select individual factors, or clear individual factors and keep the ones you want.
Excluded filter items appear in red. - To change the number of displayed Scorecards with the lowest scores, use the direction arrows above that chart and then click Apply.
Applied filters change the displayed data, and you can adjust filters more any time.
View specific factors for any displayed Scorecard
After refining your view of Portfolio organizations with the greatest risk, you can survey the risks themselves for each organization.
- In Windows, right-click the bar for any Scorecard.
In macOS, hold down the control key and click the bar for any Scorecard. - Select Factor score breakdown.
- To further refine the displayed data, edit the filters as before.
The top chart shows the number of issues discovered in the Scorecard for each factor.
The bottom section shows how remediating findings for high-impact issue types can improve the Scorecard's score.
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