In this article:
Use the Issue Type Trends report to quickly determine which vendors or partners in your Portfolios have certain issue types on their Scorecards, and whether they are resolving them.
The report shows you all the issue types discovered in your Portfolio Scorecards. Filter on specific and Scorecards to determine which organizations have issues that concern you the most.
View and filter the report
You can filter the report data in different ways to correlate issue types and Scorecards.
- Select Reporting Center from the Core Tools menu in the top navigation bar.
- On the Trends and Analysis page, select Issue Type Trends.
To gain a more granular view of the report data, change filter settings by hovering over any of the filters in the right pane and clicking the Edit icon that appears. Find an item by scrolling through the list, or start typing the name of an item. Click OK to apply your selection.
Tip: Each time you apply a filter, it changes the displayed data, and you can adjust filters more any time.
- See issue types for specific Portfolios.
Tip: You can exclude individual items by clearing their checkboxes. Or if the list includes many items, click the checkbox in the top row to clear all selections, so that you can then easily select individual items.
- See issue types for specific Scorecards.
Tip: Select only one vendor to focus on that vendor's issues and progress with resolving them.
- See issue types with specific severity levels or those within certain factors.
- Select specific issue types.
- Select specific statuses to help you track whether vendors are resolving the selected issues.
- Select any three issue types to compare their resolution statuses and other data points. Use the dropdown arrow for any issue type to select a different one.
- Hover over any point in the trends graph to view status and findings for a specific date.
- See issue types for specific Portfolios.
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