In this article:
Note: This article supports Version 2.0 of the Attack Surface Intelligence API. We update this article continually. If you do not see information you need, contact your sales engineer or customer success manager; or post a question in our Community.
Use this guidance to integrate the Attack Surface Intelligence (ASI) API into your workflows for threat investigation and attack surface management.
Understand what you can do with this API
ASI provides direct access to SecurityScorecard's data with more than 4.1 billion IP addresses scanned every 10 days across 1500+ ports globally. Using powerful search capabilities, you can find and correlate the latest information on IPs, open ports, and vulnerabilities, threat actors, ransomware group campaigns, and other data points.
Note: Attack Surface Intelligence does not surface potential vulnerabilities. It surfaces Common Vulnerability Enumerations (CVEs) that we confirm as being actual vulnerabilities. SecurityScorecard does, however, flag potential vulnerabilities as an issue type. Learn more.
Query specific facet-related endpoints
You can run queries on specific facets, which are categories of information:
- Investigate an IP address
- Investigate an open port on an IP address
- Investigate a vulnerability
- Investigate active malware infections
- Investigate a ransomware family
- Investigate a threat actor
Run searches an any facets
Using the /search endpoint, run queries on any facet to return varieties of data relevant to your investigations.
See all possible expressions for any facet
Using the /facets endpoint, you can see all possible expressions or values for any facet to help you run searches with better results.
Understand query syntax
SecurityScorecard stores ASI data with Amazon Web Services (AWS), so ASI uses AWS CloudSearch query structures for searching. Learn more about how ASI uses CloudSearch query syntax.
Get started: Create an API token
To get started, create an API token in the SecurityScorecard platform. This token enables you to communicate with all the endpoints documented here.
After you create the token, include it in the header of your requests as in the following example:
--header 'Authorization: Bearer (token)' \
Investigate an IP address
Query on an IP address for its location, attributed ownership, certificate data, open ports and resources running on them, vulnerabilities, threat-related data, and more.
Request parameters
Parameter | Description | Location in request |
asset | IP address you want to investigate | URL path |
Example request
curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer (token)' \
--data-raw ''
Example response
{ "attribution": [ { "company": "example1", "domain": "", "industry": "INFORMATION_SERVICES", "score": 3.800000000000000e+01, "scorecard": "(ID)" }, { "company": "Example2 , Inc.", "domain": "", "industry": "TECHNOLOGY", "score": 3.900000000000000e+01, "scorecard": "(ID)" }, {...} ], "certs": [ { "domain": "", "has_crl_urls": "false", "has_subject": "true", "hash": "(hash)", "is_certificate_chain_valid": "false", "issuer_country": "US", "last_seen": "2022-09-15 18:06:14.000", "md5": "(hash)", "pem": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\(certificate)\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "port": 443, "service": "https", "sha1": "(hash)", "sha256": "(hash)", "sig_algo": "sha256WithRSAEncryption", "status": "Invalid Certificate Chain", "verify_string": "certificate has expired" } ], "cves": [ { "cve": "CVE-2016-7048", "cvss": 9.3, "last_seen": "2022-09-17 10:40:06.000", "maturity": "Unknown", "port": 5432 }, { "actor": "APT17", "cve": "CVE-2019-9193", "cvss": 9, "last_seen": "2022-09-17 10:40:06.000", "maturity": "High", "port": 5432 }, { "cve": "CVE-2016-0766", "cvss": 9, "last_seen": "2022-09-17 10:40:06.000", "maturity": "Unknown", "port": 5432 }, { "cve": "CVE-2015-0244", "cvss": 7.5, "last_seen": "2022-09-17 10:40:06.000", "maturity": "Unknown", "port": 5432 }, //Entries removed for readability { "cve": "CVE-2021-36368", "cvss": 2.6, "last_seen": "2022-10-15 10:49:00.000", "maturity": "Unknown", "port": 22 } ], "location": { "city_name": "", "country_code": "FR", "country_name": "France", "hostname": "(host1)" }, "ports": [ { "first_seen": "2022-06-13 23:47:09.000", "last_seen": "2022-10-15 10:49:00.000", "port": 5432, "product": "", "service": "postgresql", "version": "" }, { "first_seen": "2022-05-29 09:00:55.000", "last_seen": "2022-10-15 10:49:00.000", "port": 443, "product": "", "service": "https", "version": "" }, { "cpe": [ "cpe:/a:openbsd:openssh:8.2p1", "cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel" ], "first_seen": "2022-05-29 09:00:55.000", "last_seen": "2022-10-15 10:49:00.000", "os_type": "Linux", "port": 22, "product": "OpenSSH", "service": "ssh", "version": "8.2p1 Ubuntu 4ubuntu0.5" }, { "cpe": [ "cpe:/a:vsftpd:vsftpd:3.0.3" ], "first_seen": "2022-06-13 23:47:09.000", "last_seen": "2022-10-15 10:49:00.000", "os_type": "Unix", "port": 21, "product": "vsftpd", "service": "ftp", "version": "3.0.3" }, { "cpe": [ "cpe:/a:igor_sysoev:nginx:1.18.0", "cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel" ], "first_seen": "2022-05-29 09:00:55.000", "last_seen": "2022-10-15 10:49:00.000", "os_type": "Linux", "port": 80, "product": "nginx", "service": "http", "version": "1.18.0" } ], "threat_actors": [ { "actor": "APT17", "attribution_method": "SSC internal Threat Research", "last_seen": "2022-10-15 00:00:00.000", "link": "CVE-2019-9193", "link_type": "cve", "origin": "CN" }, { "actor": "Cobalt Group", "attribution_method": "SSC internal Threat Research", "last_seen": "2022-10-15 00:00:00.000", "link": "CVE-2019-9193", "link_type": "cve" } ] }
Returned data for /asset/(ip)
attribution container
Returned data for the attribution container, which provides information about the organization to which the IP is attributed to, as well as its Scorecard:
Key | Description |
company | The organization that the IP is attributed to |
domain | The domain that the IP is attributed to |
industry | The industry in which the organization operates. |
score | The overall score for the Scorecard for the domain to which the IP attributed. The score appears in scientific notation, for example, a value of 4.700000000000000e+01 equals a score of 47. |
scorecard | The identifier for the organization's Scorecard |
certs container
Returned data for the certs container:
Key | Description |
domain | Domain of this IP |
has_crl_urls | Whether there is a list of revoked public key certificates created and digitally signed by the CA who issues the certificate for this IP |
has_subject | Whether the certificate is targeting a subject, such as an IP, for certification |
is_certificate_chain_valid | Whether the SSL certificate chain is valid |
issuer_country |
Country of the SSL certificate issuer for an IP |
last_seen | Most recent date and time that our scans detected this certificate |
md5 | MD5 hash for an SSL certificate (with SNI detection) for this IP |
pem | .pem file that contains the concatenated certificate |
port | Open port on this IP on which the certificate was detected |
service | Service that uses transport layer security (TLS) that was detected on the open port of this IP, such as HTTPS, SSH, or MySQL |
sha1 | SHA1 hash for an MD5 certificate for this IP |
sha256 | SHA256 hash for an MD5 certificate for this IP |
sig_aglo |
SSL certificate signature algorithm used for this IP |
status | Whether or not the certificate is invalid |
verify_string | SSL certificate verification string for this IP |
cpe container
Returned data about products running on this IP:
Key | Description |
cpe | Common product enumeration identifier ID for a product found on this IP, as it appears in NIST's Official CPE dictionary |
first_seen | Earliest date and time that our scans detected this product on this IP |
last_seen | Most recent date and time that our scans detected this product on this IP |
os_type | Operating system for the product running on this IP |
port | Port on this IP where the product or service was discovered |
product | Name of the product with the CPE identifier, found on this IP |
service | Type of service that the product discovered on this IP provides, such as SSH |
cves container
Returned data about vulnerabilities discovered on this IP, including whether they have been weaponized by threat actors:
Key | Description |
actor | Threat actor groups known to have weaponized the vulnerability |
cve | Identifier for this Common Vulnerability Enumeration, as it appears in the National Vulnerability Database |
cvss | Common Vulnerability Scoring System Version 2.0 score for a vulnerability |
last_seen | Most recent date and time that our scans detected this vulnerability on this IP |
maturity |
Whether the vulnerability is known to have been weaponized by threat actors for an exploit Unknown (also referred to as proof of concept) means that although a method has been devised to exploit the vulnerability, the CVE is not known to have been been weaponized by a threat actor. High means that the vulnerability is known to have been weaponized. |
port | Port on the IP, where we detected the vulnerability |
location container
Returned data about the geographic location of this IP:
Key | Description |
city_name | City where this IP is located |
country_code | International Organization for Standardization (ISO) code for the country where this IP is located |
country_name | Name of the country where this IP is located |
host_name | Label assigned to the device running at this IP address |
ports container
Returned data for the ports container, which provides information open ports discovered on this IP:
Key | Description |
first_seen | Earliest date and time that our scans detected this open port on this IP |
last_seen | Most recent date and time that our scans detected this open port on this IP |
port |
Open port number detected on this IP |
product | Name of software product running on the open port detected on this IP |
service | Name of service running on this open port detected on this IP |
version | Version number, if available, of a product running on this open port, detected on this IP |
threat_actor container
Returned data about threat actors known to have weaponized vulnerabilities that we discovered on this IP:
Key | Description |
actor |
Threat actor group known to have weaponized a vulnerability on this IP. |
attribution_method |
How we identified a connection between the threat actor and this IP. Possible sources include:
last_seen | Most recent date and time that our scans made an observation on the IP, linking to the threat actor |
link | Name of the artifact that connects the threat actor to this IP, for example, a CVE ID such as CVE-2019-9193 |
link_type |
The type of artifact that links the threat actor to this IP |
origin | The nation that the threat actor is associated with, identified by its International Organization for Standardization (ISO) country code |
Return to the top of this section.
Investigate an open port on an IP address
Query on an open port running on an IP to learn about the resources running on that port.
Request parameters
Parameter | Description | Location in request |
asset | IP address you want to investigate | URL path |
port | Port number you want to investigate | URL path |
Example request
curl --location --request GET '' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer (token)' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw ''
Example response
{ "title": "Port 22 - ssh", "port": 22, "service": "ssh", "product": "OpenSSH", "version": "8.2p1 Ubuntu 4ubuntu0.5", "scripts": "[{\"@id\":\"ssh2-enum-algos\",\"@output\":\"\\n kex_algorithms: (9)\\n curve25519-sha256\\n\\n ecdh-sha2-nistp256\\n ecdh-sha2-nistp384\\n ecdh-sha2-nistp521\\n diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256\\n diffie-hellman-group16-sha512\\n diffie-hellman-group18-sha512\\n diffie-hellman-group14-sha256\\n server_host_key_algorithms: (5)\\n rsa-sha2-512\\n rsa-sha2-256\\n ssh-rsa\\n ecdsa-sha2-nistp256\\n ssh-ed25519\\n encryption_algorithms: (6)\\n\\n aes128-ctr\\n aes192-ctr\\n aes256-ctr\\n\\n\\n mac_algorithms: (10)\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n hmac-sha2-256\\n hmac-sha2-512\\n hmac-sha1\\n compression_algorithms: (2)\\n none\\n\",\"table\":[{\"@key\":\"kex_algorithms\",\"elem\":[\"curve25519-sha256\",\"\",\"ecdh-sha2-nistp256\",\"ecdh-sha2-nistp384\",\"ecdh-sha2-nistp521\",\"diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256\",\"diffie-hellman-group16-sha512\",\"diffie-hellman-group18-sha512\",\"diffie-hellman-group14-sha256\"]},{\"@key\":\"server_host_key_algorithms\",\"elem\":[\"rsa-sha2-512\",\"rsa-sha2-256\",\"ssh-rsa\",\"ecdsa-sha2-nistp256\",\"ssh-ed25519\"]},{\"@key\":\"encryption_algorithms\",\"elem\":[\"\",\"aes128-ctr\",\"aes192-ctr\",\"aes256-ctr\",\"\",\"\"]},{\"@key\":\"mac_algorithms\",\"elem\":[\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"hmac-sha2-256\",\"hmac-sha2-512\",\"hmac-sha1\"]},{\"@key\":\"compression_algorithms\",\"elem\":[\"none\",\"\"]}]},{\"@id\":\"vulners\",\"@output\":\"\\n cpe:/a:openbsd:openssh:8.2p1: \\n \\tCVE-2020-15778\\t6.8\\t\\t** DISPUTED ** scp in OpenSSH through 8.3p1 allows command injection in the scp.c toremote function, as demonstrated by backtick characters in the destination argument. NOTE: the vendor reportedly has stated that they intentionally omit validation of \\\"anomalous argument transfers\\\" because that could \\\"stand a great chance of breaking existing workflows.\\\"\\t2020-07-24T14:15Z\\n \\tC94132FD-1FA5-5342-B6EE-0DAF45EEFFE3\\t6.8\\t\\tnil\\tnil\\t*EXPLOIT*\\n \\t10213DBE-F683-58BB-B6D3-353173626207\\t6.8\\t\\tnil\\tnil\\t*EXPLOIT*\\n \\tCVE-2020-12062\\t5.0\\t\\t** DISPUTED ** The scp client in OpenSSH 8.2 incorrectly sends duplicate responses to the server upon a utimes system call failure, which allows a malicious unprivileged user on the remote server to overwrite arbitrary files in the client's download directory by creating a crafted subdirectory anywhere on the remote server. The victim must use the command scp -rp to download a file hierarchy containing, anywhere inside, this crafted subdirectory. NOTE: the vendor points out that \\\"this attack can achieve no more than a hostile peer is already able to achieve within the scp protocol\\\" and \\\"utimes does not fail under normal circumstances.\\\"\\t2020-06-01T16:15Z\\n \\tCVE-2021-28041\\t4.6\\t\\tssh-agent in OpenSSH before 8.5 has a double free that may be relevant in a few less-common scenarios, such as unconstrained agent-socket access on a legacy operating system, or the forwarding of an agent to an attacker-controlled host.\\t2021-03-05T21:15Z\\n \\tCVE-2021-41617\\t4.4\\t\\tsshd in OpenSSH 6.2 through 8.x before 8.8, when certain non-default configurations are used, allows privilege escalation because supplemental groups are not initialized as expected. Helper programs for AuthorizedKeysCommand and AuthorizedPrincipalsCommand may run with privileges associated with group memberships of the sshd process, if the configuration specifies running the command as a different user.\\t2021-09-26T19:15Z\\n \\tCVE-2020-14145\\t4.3\\t\\tThe client side in OpenSSH 5.7 through 8.4 has an Observable Discrepancy leading to an information leak in the algorithm negotiation. This allows man-in-the-middle attackers to target initial connection attempts (where no host key for the server has been cached by the client). NOTE: some reports state that 8.5 and 8.6 are also affected.\\t2020-06-29T18:15Z\\n \\tCVE-2016-20012\\t4.3\\t\\t** DISPUTED ** OpenSSH through 8.7 allows remote attackers, who have a suspicion that a certain combination of username and public key is known to an SSH server, to test whether this suspicion is correct. This occurs because a challenge is sent only when that combination could be valid for a login session. NOTE: the vendor does not recognize user enumeration as a vulnerability for this product.\\t2021-09-15T20:15Z\\n \\tCVE-2021-36368\\t2.6\\t\\t** DISPUTED ** An issue was discovered in OpenSSH before 8.9. If a client is using public-key authentication with agent forwarding but without -oLogLevel=verbose, and an attacker has silently modified the server to support the None authentication option, then the user cannot determine whether FIDO authentication is going to confirm that the user wishes to connect to that server, or that the user wishes to allow that server to connect to a different server on the user's behalf. NOTE: the vendor's position is this is not an authentication bypass, since nothing is being bypassed.\\t2022-03-13T00:15Z\",\"table\":{\"@key\":\"cpe:/a:openbsd:openssh:8.2p1\",\"table\":[{\"elem\":[{\"#text\":\"CVE-2020-15778\",\"@key\":\"id\"},{\"#text\":\"6.8\",\"@key\":\"cvss\"},{\"#text\":\"** DISPUTED ** scp in OpenSSH through 8.3p1 allows command injection in the scp.c toremote function, as demonstrated by backtick characters in the destination argument. NOTE: the vendor reportedly has stated that they intentionally omit validation of \\\"anomalous argument transfers\\\" because that could \\\"stand a great chance of breaking existing workflows.\\\"\",\"@key\":\"desc\"},{\"#text\":\"cve\",\"@key\":\"type\"},{\"#text\":\"2020-07-24T14:15Z\",\"@key\":\"published\"},{\"#text\":\"false\",\"@key\":\"is_exploit\"}]},{\"elem\":[{\"#text\":\"C94132FD-1FA5-5342-B6EE-0DAF45EEFFE3\",\"@key\":\"id\"},{\"#text\":\"6.8\",\"@key\":\"cvss\"},{\"#text\":\"githubexploit\",\"@key\":\"type\"},{\"#text\":\"true\",\"@key\":\"is_exploit\"}]},{\"elem\":[{\"#text\":\"10213DBE-F683-58BB-B6D3-353173626207\",\"@key\":\"id\"},{\"#text\":\"6.8\",\"@key\":\"cvss\"},{\"#text\":\"githubexploit\",\"@key\":\"type\"},{\"#text\":\"true\",\"@key\":\"is_exploit\"}]},{\"elem\":[{\"#text\":\"CVE-2020-12062\",\"@key\":\"id\"},{\"#text\":\"5.0\",\"@key\":\"cvss\"},{\"#text\":\"** DISPUTED ** The scp client in OpenSSH 8.2 incorrectly sends duplicate responses to the server upon a utimes system call failure, which allows a malicious unprivileged user on the remote server to overwrite arbitrary files in the client's download directory by creating a crafted subdirectory anywhere on the remote server. The victim must use the command scp -rp to download a file hierarchy containing, anywhere inside, this crafted subdirectory. NOTE: the vendor points out that \\\"this attack can achieve no more than a hostile peer is already able to achieve within the scp protocol\\\" and \\\"utimes does not fail under normal circumstances.\\\"\",\"@key\":\"desc\"},{\"#text\":\"cve\",\"@key\":\"type\"},{\"#text\":\"2020-06-01T16:15Z\",\"@key\":\"published\"},{\"#text\":\"false\",\"@key\":\"is_exploit\"}]},{\"elem\":[{\"#text\":\"CVE-2021-28041\",\"@key\":\"id\"},{\"#text\":\"4.6\",\"@key\":\"cvss\"},{\"#text\":\"ssh-agent in OpenSSH before 8.5 has a double free that may be relevant in a few less-common scenarios, such as unconstrained agent-socket access on a legacy operating system, or the forwarding of an agent to an attacker-controlled host.\",\"@key\":\"desc\"},{\"#text\":\"cve\",\"@key\":\"type\"},{\"#text\":\"2021-03-05T21:15Z\",\"@key\":\"published\"},{\"#text\":\"false\",\"@key\":\"is_exploit\"}]},{\"elem\":[{\"#text\":\"CVE-2021-41617\",\"@key\":\"id\"},{\"#text\":\"4.4\",\"@key\":\"cvss\"},{\"#text\":\"sshd in OpenSSH 6.2 through 8.x before 8.8, when certain non-default configurations are used, allows privilege escalation because supplemental groups are not initialized as expected. Helper programs for AuthorizedKeysCommand and AuthorizedPrincipalsCommand may run with privileges associated with group memberships of the sshd process, if the configuration specifies running the command as a different user.\",\"@key\":\"desc\"},{\"#text\":\"cve\",\"@key\":\"type\"},{\"#text\":\"2021-09-26T19:15Z\",\"@key\":\"published\"},{\"#text\":\"false\",\"@key\":\"is_exploit\"}]},{\"elem\":[{\"#text\":\"CVE-2020-14145\",\"@key\":\"id\"},{\"#text\":\"4.3\",\"@key\":\"cvss\"},{\"#text\":\"The client side in OpenSSH 5.7 through 8.4 has an Observable Discrepancy leading to an information leak in the algorithm negotiation. This allows man-in-the-middle attackers to target initial connection attempts (where no host key for the server has been cached by the client). NOTE: some reports state that 8.5 and 8.6 are also affected.\",\"@key\":\"desc\"},{\"#text\":\"cve\",\"@key\":\"type\"},{\"#text\":\"2020-06-29T18:15Z\",\"@key\":\"published\"},{\"#text\":\"false\",\"@key\":\"is_exploit\"}]},{\"elem\":[{\"#text\":\"CVE-2016-20012\",\"@key\":\"id\"},{\"#text\":\"4.3\",\"@key\":\"cvss\"},{\"#text\":\"** DISPUTED ** OpenSSH through 8.7 allows remote attackers, who have a suspicion that a certain combination of username and public key is known to an SSH server, to test whether this suspicion is correct. This occurs because a challenge is sent only when that combination could be valid for a login session. NOTE: the vendor does not recognize user enumeration as a vulnerability for this product.\",\"@key\":\"desc\"},{\"#text\":\"cve\",\"@key\":\"type\"},{\"#text\":\"2021-09-15T20:15Z\",\"@key\":\"published\"},{\"#text\":\"false\",\"@key\":\"is_exploit\"}]},{\"elem\":[{\"#text\":\"CVE-2021-36368\",\"@key\":\"id\"},{\"#text\":\"2.6\",\"@key\":\"cvss\"},{\"#text\":\"** DISPUTED ** An issue was discovered in OpenSSH before 8.9. If a client is using public-key authentication with agent forwarding but without -oLogLevel=verbose, and an attacker has silently modified the server to support the None authentication option, then the user cannot determine whether FIDO authentication is going to confirm that the user wishes to connect to that server, or that the user wishes to allow that server to connect to a different server on the user's behalf. NOTE: the vendor's position is this is not an authentication bypass, since nothing is being bypassed.\",\"@key\":\"desc\"},{\"#text\":\"cve\",\"@key\":\"type\"},{\"#text\":\"2022-03-13T00:15Z\",\"@key\":\"published\"},{\"#text\":\"false\",\"@key\":\"is_exploit\"}]}]}},{\"@id\":\"banner-plus-quiet\",\"@output\":\"SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.2p1 Ubuntu-4ubuntu0.5\\\\r\\\\n\\\\x00\\\\x00\\\\x04\\\\x1C\\\\n\\\\x14\\\\x18\\\\xDE\\\\xAE\\\\x81\\\\x8B{a\\\\x12\\\\xBB\\\\x1C)e\\\\x96\\\\x1D\\\\x98\\\\xDD\\\\x00\\\\x00\\\\x00\\\\xE6curve25519-sha256,,ecdh-sha2-nistp256,ecdh-sha2-nistp384,ecdh-sha2-nistp521,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256,diffie-hellman-group16-sha512,diffie-hellman-group18-sha512,diffie-hellman-group14-sha256\\\\x00\\\\x00\\\\x00Arsa-sha2-512,rsa-sha2-256,ssh-rsa,ecdsa-sha2-nistp256,ssh-ed25519\\\\x00\\\\x00\\\\,aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,,\\\\x00\\\\x00\\\\,aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,,\\\\x00\\\\x00\\\\x00\\\\,,,,,,,hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha2-512,hmac-sha1\\\\x00\\\\x00\\\\x00\\\\,,,,,,,hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha2-512,hmac-sha1\\\\x00\\\\x00\\\\x00\\\\x15none,\\\\x00\\\\x00\\\\x00\\\\x15none,\\\\x00\\\\x00\\\\x00\\\\x00\\\\x00\\\\x00\\\\x00\\\\x00\\\\x00\\\\x00\\\\x00\\\\x00\\\\x00\\\\x00\\\\x00\\\\x00\\\\x00\\\\x00\\\\x00\\\\x00\\\\x00\\\\x00\\\\x00\"},{\"@id\":\"banner\",\"@output\":\"SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.2p1 Ubuntu-4ubuntu0.5\"}]", "firstSeen": "2022-05-29 09:00:55.000", "lastSeen": "2022-10-15 10:49:00.000", "device": "", "os": "Linux", "cpe": [ "cpe:/a:openbsd:openssh:8.2p1", "cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel" ] }
Returned data
Field | Description |
title | Port number and service running on it |
port | Port number |
service | Service running on the port |
product | Products running on the port |
version | Version of product running on the port |
scripts | A collection of semi-structured output for all the scripts that were run against that IP. Output typically includes an @id property with the name of the script and @output with the standard output log. Some scripts may also output a table property with more structured information. |
firstSeen | First date and time our scans detected the open port |
lastSeen | Most recent date and time our scans detected the open port as of this query |
device | Type of device running on the port, such as a router or webcam |
os | Operating system of the resource running on the port |
cpe | Common Platform Enumeration of the resource running on the port |
Return to the top of this section.
Investigate a vulnerability
Learn about a vulnerability, including its severity score, publication date, and any threat actors known to exploit it.
Request parameter
Parameter | Description | Location in request |
cve | Vulnerability you want to investigate | URL path |
Example request
curl --location --request GET 'https://platform-api.securityscorecard/asi/v2/details/cve/CVE-2022-22719' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer (token)' \
--data-raw ''
Example response
{ "title": "CVE-2022-22719", "threatActors": [], "weaponized": "Unknown", "description": "A carefully crafted request body can cause a read to a random memory area which could cause the process to crash. This issue affects Apache HTTP Server 2.4.52 and earlier.", "cvss3": 5, "cwe": "CWE-665", "published": "2022-03-14T11:15:00", "modified": "2022-10-06T02:41:00" }
We are compiling descriptions for returned data. Check this page for future updates.
Return to the top of this section.
Investigate active malware infections
Learn how malware infections may be connected to certain assets, vulnerabilities, or threat actors.
Request parameter
Parameter | Description | Location in request |
active-infections | Malware families that you want you want check for infections | URL path |
Example request
curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer (token)' \
--data-raw ''
Example response
We shortened the number of returned records for this article.
{ "domains": [ { "name": "", "quantityOfIps": 34 }, { "name": "", "quantityOfIps": 43 }, { "name": "", "quantityOfIps": 47 }, { "name": "", "quantityOfIps": 80 }, { "name": "", "quantityOfIps": 199 }, "quantityOfRequests": 1251972619, "family": "andromeda", "title": "andromeda", "category": "Malware", "observed": "Sun Oct 16 2022" }
We are compiling descriptions for returned data. Check this page for future updates.
Return to the top of this section.
Investigate a ransomware family
Get information about ransomware families, including the number of victims and global cases.
Request parameter
Parameter | Description | Location in request |
ransomware | Ransomware you want to investigate | URL path |
Example request
curl --location --request GET '' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer (token)' \ --data-raw ''
Example response
{ "victims": "(victim-domains)", "victimsNumber": 785, "globalCases": 798, "lastSeen": "2022-09-25 00:00:00.000", "title": "CONTI" }
We are compiling descriptions for returned data. Check this page for future updates.
Return to the top of this section.
Investigate a threat actor
Get details about a threat actor and how they might be connected to certain assets or vulnerabilities that they have been known to exploit.
Request parameter
Parameter | Description | Location in request |
threat-actor | Threat actor you want to investigate | URL path |
Example request
curl --location --request GET ' Group' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer (token)' \ --data-raw ''
Example response
{ "title": "Lazarus Group", "origin": "KP", "description": "Since 2009, HIDDEN COBRA actors have leveraged their capabilities to target and compromise a range of victims; some intrusions have resulted in the exfiltration of data while others have been disruptive in nature. Commercial reporting has referred to this activity as Lazarus Group and Guardians of Peace. Tools and capabilities used by HIDDEN COBRA actors include DDoS botnets, keyloggers, remote access tools (RATs), and wiper malware. Variants of malware and tools used by HIDDEN COBRA actors include Destover, Duuzer, and Hangman.", "aka": [ "Bureau 121", "NICKEL GLADSTONE", "Group 77", "ATK3", "APT 38", //Entries removed for readability ], "insights": [ "", "", "", "", "", //Entries removed for readability "" ], "industries": [ "Government", "Private sector", "Private sector", "Government" ], "entities": [ "Bangladesh Bank", "Australia", "India", "France", //Entries removed for readability ], "iocs": [ { "description": "c67b03c0a91eaefffd2f2c79b5c26a2648b8d3c19a22cadf35453455ff08ead0", "type": "Hash", "source": "", "lastUpdate": "2022-10-06" }, { "description": "", "type": "Domain", "source": "", "lastUpdate": "2022-10-06" }, { "description": "e4973db44081591e9bff5117946defbef6041397e56164f485cf8ec57b1d8934", "type": "Hash", "source": "", "lastUpdate": "2022-10-06" } ///Entries removed for readabilty ] }
We are compiling descriptions for returned data. Check this page for future updates.
Return to the top of this section.
Run queries on any facets
Run a queries on any ASI facets to access a wide variety of available information about assets and threats. Learn more about available facets in ASI.
- Select pagination settings based on size of result set
- Example request with page parameter
- Example response when page parameter is used in request
- Example request with cursor parameter
- Example response when cursor parameter is used in request
Request parameters
Parameter | Description | Location in request |
query |
The facet that you want to search on and the expression, or value, for that facet, separated by a colon. Examples: has_infection:1 ssl_verify_string:'certificate has expired' threat_actor:'Packrat' |
Body |
sort |
The field you want to sort results by. Possible values in the IPV4 index: scan_date Possible values for the leakedCreds index: _score (default), |
Body |
sortDir |
Whether you want to sort results in ascending or descending order. Possible values: |
Body |
page |
The page number for paginated results. Your query typically generates more results than what a single "page" can display. You run the query with the page parameter set at 1, 2, or more to see consecutive pages of and view remaining results. |
Body |
index |
The set of structured data examined by a search engine looking for information relevant to your query. Possible values: IPV4 leakedCreds |
Body |
parser |
Compiler for the search query. |
Body |
size | Number of results to return. | Body |
cursor | Parameter for paginating more than 10,000 results in a search. | Body |
Select pagination settings based on size of result set
Use different pagination parameters depending on the number of returned results and how you want to view them.
If your search returns a large number of results, such as more than 10,000, and you want only to see the first few pages, use the page and size parameters.
- Specify cursor=initial in your initial search request and include the size parameter to specify how many hits you want to get.
- Amazon CloudSearch returns a cursor value in the response that you use to get the next set of hits.
- Cursors are intended to page through a result set within a reasonable amount of time of the initial request. Using a stale cursor can return stale results.
Learn more about paginating results in Amazon CloudSearch.
Example request with page parameter
curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer (token)' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "query": "has_infection:1", "sort": "country_name", "sortDir": "asc", "page": 3, "index": "ipv4", "parser": "structured", "size": 10 }'
Example response when page parameter is used in request
We shortened the number of returned records in this sample for readability.
{ "facets": { "countries": [ { "name": "Germany", "value": 3509266 }, { "name": "United States", "value": 3173609 }, { "name": "Russia", "value": 3170365 }, { "name": "China", "value": 3161915 }, { "name": "Brazil", "value": 2883384 }, { "name": "South Korea", "value": 1347922 }, { "name": "United Kingdom", "value": 1207672 }, ///More countries (removed for readability) ], "threatActors": [ { "name": "Packrat", "value": 1660788 }, { "name": "APT37", "value": 1042654 }, { "name": "Cobalt Group", "value": 575548 }, { "name": "Sandworm Team", "value": 571020 }, ///More threat actors (removed for readability) ], "cves": [ { "name": "CVE-2017-9765", "value": 2010600 }, { "name": "CVE-2019-7659", "value": 2010600 }, { "name": "CVE-2020-14145", "value": 656076 }, { "name": "CVE-2021-41617", "value": 653705 }, { "name": "CVE-2018-20685", "value": 371722 }, ///More CVEs (removed for readability) ], "ports": [ { "name": "7547", "value": 9516468 }, { "name": "80", "value": 3490036 }, { "name": "5060", "value": 3302791 }, { "name": "443", "value": 2742752 }, { "name": "53", "value": 2587287 }, { "name": "22", "value": 1685618 }, { "name": "8089", "value": 1299776 }, { "name": "2000", "value": 1229530 }, { "name": "4567", "value": 1176088 }, { "name": "21", "value": 1138268 } ], "products": [ { "name": "Unknown cwmp", "value": 3204554 }, { "name": "Unknown tcpwrapped", "value": 1941685 }, { "name": "AVM FRITZ!OS SIP", "value": 1476124 }, { "name": "gSOAP", "value": 1285984 }, ///More products (removed for readability) ], "orgs": [ { "name": " Example1", "value": 3228443 }, { "name": "Example2", "value": 3228443 }, { "name": "Example3", "value": 1636074 }, { "name": "Example4", "value": 1577117 }, { "name": "Example5", "value": 1493940 }, { "name": "Example6", "value": 1333114 }, ///More orgs (removed for readability) ] }, "hits": [ { "detectedLibraries": [ "core-js" ], "time": "2022-05-08T18:35:37Z", "cloud": "", "cloudRegion": "", "hasMalrep": false, "maliciousReputation": [], "hasCVE": false, "cves": [], "cvss": [], "deviceType": [], "hasRansomware": false, "ransomwareVictims": [], "ransomwareGroups": [], "hasSSLCert": false, "ports": [ "49152" ], "services": [ "upnp" ], "minGrade": "1.0", "hostnames": [ "" ], "hasScorecard": true, "products": [], "country": " and Saba\"", "organizations": [ "Example11" ], "hasCVEExploited": false, "ips": [ "" ], "sslValid": false, "hasThreatActor": false, "threatActors": [], "hasInfection": true, "infections": [ "pva.torrent.openinternet", "pva.torrent.openinternet" ], "countryCode": "BQ", "industries": [ "UNKNOWN" ], "cpe": "", "dnsRecords": [], "grade": "", "mainAttribution": [ "1", "", "Telbo", "UNKNOWN", 1 ], "detectedLibraryVersion": "core-js-pure@2.6.11", "domains": [], "osTypes": [], "id": "(ID)" }, { "detectedLibraries": [ "core-js" ], "time": "2022-07-17T03:28:12Z", "cloud": "", "cloudRegion": "", "hasMalrep": false, "maliciousReputation": [], "hasCVE": false, "cves": [], "cvss": [], "deviceType": [], "hasRansomware": false, "ransomwareVictims": [], "ransomwareGroups": [], "hasSSLCert": false, "ports": [ "21" ], "services": [ "ftp" ], "minGrade": "1.0", "hostnames": [], "hasScorecard": true, "products": [ "Unknown ftp" ], "country": " and Saba\"", "organizations": [ "Telbo" ], "hasCVEExploited": false, "ips": [ "" ], "sslValid": false, "hasThreatActor": false, "threatActors": [], "hasInfection": true, "infections": [ "", "" ], "countryCode": "BQ", "industries": [ "UNKNOWN" ], "cpe": "", "dnsRecords": [], "grade": "", "mainAttribution": [ "1", "", "Telbo", "UNKNOWN", 1 ], "detectedLibraryVersion": "core-js-pure@2.6.11", "domains": [], "osTypes": [], "id": "" }, { "detectedLibraries": [ "core-js" ], "time": "2022-04-28T21:00:32Z", "cloud": "", "cloudRegion": "", "hasMalrep": false, "maliciousReputation": [], "hasCVE": false, "cves": [], "cvss": [], "deviceType": [], "hasRansomware": false, "ransomwareVictims": [], "ransomwareGroups": [], "hasSSLCert": false, "ports": [ "21" ], 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[ "" ], "hasScorecard": true, "products": [ "Unknown tcpwrapped" ], "country": " and Saba\"", "organizations": [ " Banco do Brasil", "Banco do Brasil", "Telbo" ], "hasCVEExploited": false, "ips": [ "" ], "sslValid": false, "hasThreatActor": false, "threatActors": [], "hasInfection": true, "infections": [ "pva.torrent.openinternet", "pva.torrent.openinternet", "" ], "countryCode": "BQ", "industries": [ "FINANCIAL_SERVICES", "UNKNOWN" ], "cpe": "", "dnsRecords": [], "grade": "", "mainAttribution": [ "0", "", " Example14", "FINANCIAL_SERVICES", 3 ], "detectedLibraryVersion": "core-js-pure@2.6.11", "domains": [], "osTypes": [], "id": "(ID)" }, { "detectedLibraries": [ "WordPress", "core-js" ], "time": "2022-07-12T15:58:39Z", "cloud": "", "cloudRegion": "", "hasMalrep": false, "maliciousReputation": [], "hasCVE": false, "cves": [], "cvss": [], "deviceType": [], "hasRansomware": false, "ransomwareVictims": [], "ransomwareGroups": [], "hasSSLCert": false, "ports": [ "21" ], "services": [ "tcpwrapped" ], "minGrade": "0.0", "hostnames": [ "" ], "hasScorecard": true, "products": [ "Unknown tcpwrapped" ], "country": " and Saba\"", "organizations": [ " Example15", "Example16", "Example" ], "hasCVEExploited": false, "ips": [ "323.4.56.789" ], "sslValid": false, "hasThreatActor": false, "threatActors": [], "hasInfection": true, "infections": [ "pva.torrent.openinternet" ], "countryCode": "BQ", "industries": [ "FINANCIAL_SERVICES", "UNKNOWN" ], "cpe": "", "dnsRecords": [], "grade": "", "mainAttribution": [ "0", "", " Example15", "FINANCIAL_SERVICES", 3 ], "detectedLibraryVersion": "core-js-pure@2.6.11", "domains": [], "osTypes": [], "id": "(ID)" }, { "detectedLibraries": [ "WordPress" ], "time": "2022-10-16T13:52:22Z", "cloud": "", "cloudRegion": "", "hasMalrep": false, "maliciousReputation": [], "hasCVE": false, "cves": [], "cvss": [], "deviceType": [], "hasRansomware": false, "ransomwareVictims": [], "ransomwareGroups": [], "hasSSLCert": false, "ports": [ "10443" ], 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"hasMalrep": false, "maliciousReputation": [], "hasCVE": false, "cves": [], "cvss": [], "deviceType": [], "hasRansomware": false, "ransomwareVictims": [], "ransomwareGroups": [], "hasSSLCert": false, "ports": [ "21" ], "services": [ "tcpwrapped" ], "minGrade": "0.0", "hostnames": [ "" ], "hasScorecard": true, "products": [ "Unknown tcpwrapped" ], "country": " and Saba\"", "organizations": [ "Example26", " Example26", "Example27" ], "hasCVEExploited": false, "ips": [ "" ], "sslValid": false, "hasThreatActor": false, "threatActors": [], "hasInfection": true, "infections": [ "pva.torrent.openinternet", "pva.torrent.openinternet", "pva.torrent.openinternet", "pva.torrent.openinternet", "pva.torrent.openinternet" ], "countryCode": "BQ", "industries": [ "UNKNOWN", "FINANCIAL_SERVICES" ], "cpe": "", "dnsRecords": [], "grade": "", "mainAttribution": [ "0", "", " Example28", "FINANCIAL_SERVICES", 3 ], "detectedLibraryVersion": "core-js-pure@2.6.11", "domains": [], "osTypes": [], "id": "(ID)" }, 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Example initial request with cursor parameter
curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Authorization: Token (token)' \
--header 'accept: */*' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '
"page": 0,
"index": "ipv4",
"parser": "structured",
"size": 10,000
"query": "has_infection:1",
"cursor": "initial",
"sort": "country_name"
Example response when cursor parameter is used in request
We shortened the results for display purposes.
See the cursor value at the bottom of the result set. You would use this value to specify the next set of hits.
{ "facets": { "countries": [ { "name": "Germany", "value": 4548845 }, { "name": "Russian Federation", "value": 3867762 }, { "name": "United States", "value": 3846666 },
//We removed other returned countries to make the example more readable. ], "threatActors": [ { "name": "Packrat", "value": 1849277 }, {...}, { "name": "21", "value": 1477702 } ], "products": [ { "name": "Unknown cwmp", "value": 3624393 }, { "name": "AVM FRITZ!OS SIP", "value": 2048443 }, {...}, { "name": "OpenSSH", "value": 921965 } ], "attributedDomains": [ { "name": "", "value": 3885557 }, {...}, { "name": "", "value": 2112667 } ], "orgs": [ { "name": "Example", "value": 3885557 }, { "name": "Example", "value": 3885557 }, {...}, { "name": "Example", "value": 1778897 } ] }, "hits": [ { "detectedLibraries": [], "time": "2022-11-20T10:15:16Z", "cloud": "", "cloudRegion": "", "hasMalrep": false, "maliciousReputation": [], "hasCVE": false, "cves": [], "cvss": [], "deviceType": [], "hasRansomware": false, "ransomwareVictims": [], "ransomwareGroups": [], "hasSSLCert": false, "ports": [ "443" ], "services": [ "https" ], "minGrade": "", "hostnames": [ "" ], "hasScorecard": false, "products": 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"hasThreatActor": true, "threatActors": [ "Gamaredon Group" ], "hasInfection": true, "infections": [ "pva.newsdaily", "...", "pva.newsdaily" ], "countryCode": "AX", "industries": [ "FINANCIAL_SERVICES" ], "cpe": "", "dnsRecords": [], "grade": "", "mainAttribution": [ "3", "example", "Example", "FINANCIAL_SERVICES", 1 ], "detectedLibraryVersion": "7", "domains": [], "osTypes": [], "id": "123.456.789.10" }, { "detectedLibraries": [], "time": "2022-11-06T11:43:29Z", "cloud": "", "cloudRegion": "", "hasMalrep": false, "maliciousReputation": [], "hasCVE": false, "cves": [], "cvss": [], "deviceType": [], "hasRansomware": false, "ransomwareVictims": [], "ransomwareGroups": [], "hasSSLCert": true, "ports": [ "443", "80" ], "services": [ "http" ], "minGrade": "", "hostnames": [ "" ], "hasScorecard": false, "products": [ "Microsoft IIS httpd" ], "country": "Åland Islands", "organizations": [], "hasCVEExploited": false, "ips": [ "123.456.789.3" ], "sslValid": false, "hasThreatActor": false, 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true, "infections": [ "generic_malware" ], "countryCode": "AX", "industries": [], "cpe": "cpe:/o:microsoft:windows", "dnsRecords": [], "grade": "", "mainAttribution": [], "detectedLibraryVersion": "", "domains": [], "osTypes": [ "Windows" ], "" }, { "detectedLibraries": [], "time": "2022-12-19T13:37:45Z", "cloud": "", "cloudRegion": "", "hasMalrep": true, "maliciousReputation": [ "IPsum (aggregation of all feeds) - level 1 - lot of false positives feed" ], "hasCVE": false, "cves": [], "cvss": [], "deviceType": [], "hasRansomware": false, "ransomwareVictims": [], "ransomwareGroups": [], "hasSSLCert": false, "ports": [ "139", "5985", "3389", "135", "445", "1029", "1026", "1025", "1027" ], "services": [ "microsoft-ds", "http", "netbios-ssn", "msrpc", "ms-wbt-server" ], "minGrade": "", "hostnames": [], "hasScorecard": false, "products": [ "Microsoft Windows RPC", "Microsoft HTTPAPI httpd", "Microsoft Windows netbios-ssn", "Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 - 2012 microsoft-ds" ], "country": 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"123.456.789.10" ], "sslValid": false, "hasThreatActor": false, "threatActors": [], "hasInfection": true, "infections": [ "", "...", "" ], "countryCode": "AX", "industries": [], "cpe": "cpe:/a:microsoft:internet_information_services:10.0,cpe:/o:microsoft:windows,cpe:/a:microsoft:iis:10.0", "dnsRecords": [], "grade": "", "mainAttribution": [], "detectedLibraryVersion": "", "domains": [], "osTypes": [ "Windows" ], "id": "124.456.789.0" }, { "detectedLibraries": [ "Drupal", "core-js" ], "time": "2022-10-27T05:13:43Z", "cloud": "", "cloudRegion": "", "hasMalrep": false, "maliciousReputation": [], "hasCVE": false, "cves": [], "cvss": [], "deviceType": [ "firewall" ], "hasRansomware": false, "ransomwareVictims": [], "ransomwareGroups": [], "hasSSLCert": true, "ports": [ "80", "443" ], "services": [ "http" ], "minGrade": "", "hostnames": [ "" ], "hasScorecard": true, "products": [ "SonicWALL firewall http config" ], "country": "Åland Islands", "organizations": [ "Example10", "Example11", "Example12", "Example13" ], "hasCVEExploited": false, "ips": [ "123.456.789.11" ], "sslValid": false, "hasThreatActor": false, "threatActors": [], "hasInfection": true, "infections": [ "" ], "countryCode": "AX", "industries": [ "UNKNOWN", "MANUFACTURING", "TELECOMMUNICATIONS" ], "cpe": "", "dnsRecords": [], "grade": "", "mainAttribution": [ "1", "", "Example3", "MANUFACTURING", 5 ], "detectedLibraryVersion": "7,core-js-global@3.24.1", "domains": [], "osTypes": [], "id": "124.456.789.0" } ], "found": 44718583, "isError": false, "errorType": "", "errorCode": 0, "cursor": "VVU0b1UsQW9JdXc0VnNZVzVrSUVsemJHRnVaSE10TWpFekxqSXdOQzQwTmk0MU1BPT0K" }
The second request with the cursor parameter
The second request uses the cursor value returned with the initial request:
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Token (token)' \ --header 'accept: */*' \ --header 'content-type: application/json' \ --data ' { "page": 0, "index": "ipv4", "parser": "structured", "size": 10, "query": "has_infection:1", "cursor": "VVU0b1UsQW9JdXc0VnNZVzVrSUVsemJHRnVaSE10TWpFekxqSXdOQzQwTmk0MU1BPT0K", "sort": "country_name" } '
We are compiling descriptions for returned data. Check this page for future updates.
Return to the top of this section.
See expressions for facets
Facets are the categories that you can search for. You may not know the possible values for a particular facet until you query for it. With the facets endpoint, you can see all possible expressions or values for any facet that you can query for in ASI.
Tip: See descriptions for the facets available in ASI searches.
In the following example, you can post all possible values for the facet threat_actor. You can then search for information on any of the returned values, such as Sandworm Team.
"names": [
"index": "ipv4",
"size": 50
When querying the facets endpoint, you can specify the number of data points you want to see associated with that value.
The following request returns 30 countries and 30 threat actors, each with more data point in the data set:
{ "names": ["country_name", "threat_actor"], "size": 30 }
Example request
curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer (token)' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "names": [ "threat_actor","country_name" ], "index": "ipv4", "size": 5 }'
Data fields in request
Field | Description | Location in request |
names |
The facets that you want to see expressions for. See all available facets in ASI. Tip: Some ASI facets return binary expressions (1=yes; 0=no). Those facet names begin with has_. Disregard those for the purposes of using this query. |
Body (data-raw section in cURL example) |
index |
The set of structured data examined by a search engine looking for information relevant to your query. Possible values: IPV4 leakedCreds |
Body (data-raw section in cURL example) |
size |
Number of returned names |
Body (data-raw section in cURL example) |
Example response
Tip: In addition to the facet expressions, the query also returns the amount of data entries for each expression. For example, as seen in the following response, the value field shows that there are 25,158,731 entries for the threat actor APT37.
{ "facets": { "threat_actor": [ { "name": "APT37", "value": 25158731 }, { "name": "APT28", "value": 16731181 }, { "name": "Cobalt Group", "value": 16708322 }, { "name": "Sandworm Team", "value": 16668504 }, { "name": "Packrat", "value": 16319474 } ], "country_name": [ { "name": "United States", "value": 73883056 }, { "name": "Germany", "value": 30672952 }, { "name": "South Korea", "value": 25148877 }, { "name": "China", "value": 22446555 }, { "name": "United Kingdom", "value": 16687397 } ] } }
We are compiling descriptions for returned data. Check this page for future updates.
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