In this article:
Reporting is available with a paid SecurityScorecard plan. See our plans page for more information about levels of features and access.
Use the Reporting Center for generating, viewing, and sharing all of your Scorecard reports and analyses.
Reporting Center unifies in one place all of your Scorecard reporting and analysis resources. Address risk as a business risk with a unified Reporting Center and a fully customizable executive report using best-practice templates, advanced widgets, executive summary capabilities for comprehensive and effective board communication.
Start reporting
Select Reporting Center from the Core Tools menu.
In Reporting Center, select one of the following tabs, depending on how you want to report:
- Trends and Analysis: Visualize and analyze Scorecard data from various business perspectives.
Tip: The reports in this section remain the same, with the addition of new templates for board reporting and a new page layout.
- Generated Reports: Report on different aspects of a Scorecard's data, such as issue types.
Tip: The reports in this section are the same reports that you can generate from any Scorecard, such as Summary, Issues, and Detailed.
Report on trends and analysis
Select one of the following reports, templates, or tools.
Custom Report
Enrich your board level conversations beyond just reporting on your cybersecurity posture. Contextualize, customize, and annotate reports to tell your board a full risk story and describe the business outcomes of your security efforts and investments.
You can build this report from scratch or select one of the executive report templates available.
Learn more about this report and how to use it.
Board Summary
Provide your executive leadership and board a brief security update that includes:
- Your company's score over the past 12 months
- Your company's performance in 10 key security factors, compared against your industry overall
- Highlights of your vendors' security performance over the past 30 days
Company Comparison
(Previously called Comparison Tool)
View side-by-side security posture comparisons of vendors, competitors, or other companies of interest according to:
- Overall score and score history
- 10 key security factors
- Detected issues
Learn more about this tool and how to use it.
All reports listed below this banner are available with a paid SecurityScorecard plan.
Company Trends
Monitor security performance for your company or a vendor over time, using and correlating different data views:
- Overall score
- 10 key security factor scores
- Issue findings
- Compliance
- Geographic locations of IPs in Digital Footprint
Learn more about this report and how to use it.
Portfolio Trends
Track security performance over time for all the companies in your portfolios, using and correlating different data views:
- Average portfolio risk
- Remediation performance
Learn more about this report and how to use it.
Benchmark cybersecurity resilience of any organization against industry peers or organizations in your portfolio by generating a report that shows:
- Comparison by scores
- Vulnerability by factor - graphic mapping out all 10 risk factor scores in a web
- Events of interest (if any)
Learn more about this report and how to use it.
Ransomware Analytics
Learn which cyber risk issues in your network make you most susceptible to ransomware attacks by identifying:
- Susceptibility to ransomware attack
- 10 most relevant issue types
- How the issue might lead to ransomware attack
Learn more about this report and how to use it.
Company Triage
Identify organizations with specific security issues that need urgent attention to prioritize risk mitigation efforts through:
- Company filtering
- Triaged company list by overall cyber risk
- Company detailed view - Lists the highest severity issues that are impacting an organization
Learn more about this report and how to use it.
CVE Impact on Companies
Gauge the vulnerability exposure of organizations you care about to better understand their risk using:
- Company filtering
- CVE Histogram
- Impacted companies list - companies that actively have the CVE
Learn more about this report and how to use it.
Issue Type Trends
Track findings over time for security issues that concern you the most using features including:
- Issues by Severity and Status
- Count of issue type based on filter selection i.e issue type, severity, remediation status
- Issue Type Histogram of total findings based on filter selection
Learn more about this report and how to use it.
Vendor Engagement
Track how vendors respond to your invitations to engage and how their scores change as a result through features such as:
- Invitation time range
- Invitation status by grade
- Score overtime by invitation status
Learn more about this report and how to use it.
Tip: Click Board, VRM, Self-monitoring, or Insurance to filter Trends and Analysis reports and tools according to business uses.
Run and share generated reports immediately
- On the Generated Reports page of Reporting Center, click Generate Reports.
- Select a company to report on:
- To report on your own company, which is the top selection in the drop-down list, just click Generate Report.
- To report on another company, select a Portfolio to display a drop-down list of companies in that Portfolio. Then select a company, and click Generate report.
- To report on your own company, which is the top selection in the drop-down list, just click Generate Report.
- Select a report to generate, and click Generate Report:
- Summary—View your Scorecard grade and scores for individual factors with industry comparisons.
- Issues—See issues that currently need remediation, plus:
- Scorecard grade
- Scores for individual factors
- 30-day score history
Tip: To add issue findings, use the Detailed report.
- Detailed—Add details about findings to your view of issues that currently need remediation, plus:
- Scorecard grade
- Scores for individual factors
- 30-day score history
Tip: For a more concise view without findings, use the Issues report.
- My Board Summary—Capture an in-platform view of your current and past Scorecard grades, industry comparisons, and overall vendor risk. To see it, select the report, and then click Go to Board Summary. You can then download the displayed report as a .csv or .pdf file.
View, download, and share a report you ran immediately
Tip: If you schedule a report to run and be sent later, see the section on managing reports scheduled for future sharing.
Click the Generated Reports tab to see Scorecard-specific reports that you generated.
Click View Report or Download.
To share a report:
- Hover over the report, and click the sharing link.
- Enter each email address and press your Enter or Return key.
- Add a message if desired.
- Click Share.
Schedule future sending of a generated report
Tip: You will occasionally see that term rule in the platform in reference to scheduled reports. We apply that term to certain automated actions that you can create, such as alerts. Learn more about creating rules.
You can schedule automatic sending of the the following reports, along with personalized messages:
Note: SecurityScorecard is the sender of the email, but you you can have a copy send to your email address.
- On the Generated Reports page of Reporting Center, click Schedule Report.
- In the scheduling panel provide requested information and select scheduling settings.
- Name the report so that you can find or remember it easily.
- Select a date to start sending the report.
- Select a frequency for re-sending the report.
- Select your own organization's scorecard to report on, or
Select the option to report on a different Scorecard (Single Scorecard option)x. Then search for the Scorecard you want to report on. - Select a report to share.
- Select the type of recipient you want to share it with.
- If you select a recipient type other than yourself, provide the requested recipient information, such as an email address, a team name, or a company name.
Tip: You can add multiple recipients.
- If you want to customize the email, add your own subject line and message.
Note: If you do not customize the email, the subject line is the name of the report.
- Click Save.
View, download, and edit a report you scheduled
Tip: If you run a report immediately, see the section on managing reports you already generated.
To view reports you scheduled for future sharing, click Report Scheduling Rules in the Reporting Center. View and manage the rules as needed:
- If you have many rules, search for any rule by name.
- Click the three dots on the right side of a row to download the report, see a preview, edit the report, or delete it.
- If you want to pause the sharing of the report without deleting it, click the toggle to make it inactive.
Translate a generated report
Generated reports are available in different languages and locales:
- Chinese (CN and TW)
- English (EN)
- French (FR)
- German (DE)
- Japanese (JP)
- Korean (KR)
- Portuguese (BR and PT)
- Spanish (ES)
When you view a generated report, select the language you want to use.
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